[Wine] Failed to execute child process (Permission denied)

Martin Gregorie martin at gregorie.org
Fri May 11 08:35:22 CDT 2012

On Fri, 2012-05-11 at 07:28 -0500, jacobpkw wrote:
> Sorry, What permissions need to set?
Execute permissions. Assuming you installed the file and so are its
owner, you just need the user execute permission set. You can do it via
the Nautilus Properties 'Permissions' tab or from the command line with
chmod - "man chmod" will tell you how to use it.

FYI: Windows doesn't have an execute permission, but Linux does and its
this rather then the file extension that controls whether a file can be
executed. This is all part of the first semester of Linux 101 so its
stuff you need to learn about ASAP.



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