[Wine] polite help request: Building Wine on Ubuntu / Kubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)

Jimmy Kerwood jimmy_kerwood at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Oct 24 14:24:44 CDT 2006

Hello Karsten,

Please can you help clarify a couple of points in your how-to guide? We are 
trying to install Wine on a 64-bit (dual core) Celeron system.

The general problem we are having is that it is not clear at what point to 
perform the "configure" or "make" commands. We have followed your 
instructions very closely, but some steps are unclear:

1) "configure will find several omissions, but a few will only be noticed by 
the 'make' steps."
-- Does this mean that we should have already run 'configure' at this stage? 
If so, on what file/s?

2) "Now add the following links that the library install does not make:"
-- We assume that the 'make' command was executed by the 'apt-get install' 
of the various libraries: are we correct?

3) "Run configure, build and install with:"
-- well, at this point, it's really unclear where any 'configure' file is 
located, in order to execute it! We ran a full filesystem search for files 
of name "configure", but found nothing obvious.

*Please* would you very kindly help us to clarify these issues? We are very 
grateful for the  time you have already spent on this matter, and hope you 
would not mind helping us a little bit.

Yours sincerely,

Jim & Matt

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