
Molle Bestefich molle.bestefich at
Thu Feb 23 20:09:54 CST 2006

Rich Gilson wrote:
> I appreciate the tip about falling back on the relay debug channel, but may I
> ask how you know the problem is with BlockInput not existing?  Is there
> something from the output that I'm not understanding, or do you just know
> that because you're familiar with the kernel32.dll code?

I'll give it a shot (I'm a chronic newbie so this might be wrong).

> > 0009:Call kernel32.GetProcAddress(20290000,0052b895 "BlockInput")

There's the call asking for an address for BlockInput.

> > 0009:Ret  kernel32.GetProcAddress() retval=00000000 ret=0052cc6a
> > 0009:Call kernel32.ExitProcess(0052cb10) ret=0052cc7b

There the application exits, right after GetProcAddress returns 00000000.

Look up GetProcAddress in MSDN:

It says:  "If the function fails, the return value is NULL."
Which seems to be what we're seeing.

It also says: "To get extended error information, call GetLastError."
Luckily, the source code is LGPL and we know that there are bits and
pieces missing of it, so an easier way than calling GetLastError is to
just grep the sources for kernel32 and see if BlockInput might be
missing (probably not a bad guess)...

HTH, hope I'm not way off.

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