Rob D rddone at att.net
Wed Oct 26 22:49:20 CDT 2005

I Finally got Wine working on Solaris 9 and tweaked the Makefiles to get my 
250k lines of code app to compile on Winelib!!
Of course it crashes immediately and core dumps but that is (apparently 
known) issue that I will investigate later.

Due to the extensive amount of time it took to get 3 monitors and Wine 
working on Solaris 9, I am just running the Win32 executable with Wine.

I found a few really weird things in Wine that differ from Windows. Running 
on Wine exposed a bug in my code that was calling a function in a member 
class of a class that had a NULL pointer.
foo->bar->doStuff ran just fine in windows when foo == 0. The windows 
debugger stepped into the function, through it, and worked fine. Really 

There were a couple other things that were slightly different on Wine than 
Windows, and were easily fixed or reworked. The only thing that is not 
easily work-around-able, is that it seems that there are no WM_SIZING 
messages sent when running on Wine. WM_SIZE messages are sent just fine, 
but not a single WM_SIZING, ever. This is a major problem.

Is this a known issue or something that needs extra setup to work?

The only other major issue that I have is the creation of dialogs on a 
specific monitor in a 3 monitor (has to be non Xinerama) setup. I dont 
think this is a Wine specific issue, but since it has to do with setting of 
$DISPLAY before creating the dialog, it is further complicated from running 
in Wine.

Fun fun
Rob Done

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