popen() to execute\read a Linux (not windows) command

Sergio Tridente tioduke at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 17:30:23 CST 2005

Sergio wrote:

> Hi,
>>From a win32 program compiled with winelib I am trying to execute the
> following:
> FILE *program;
> if (program = popen("dcop amarok player nowPlaying", "r"))
>         fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), program);
> The idea is to read the current track amarok's playing. But I keep
> receiving the following text: "File not found". Later I tried changing to
> : popen("ls", "r"), and the same problem arised. Finally I changed to
> popen("dir", "r") and then I got some data read (first line of the dir
> command). So, what I understand is that the popen function is
> opening/reading only windows programs. How can I make it open a pipe on a
> Linux' one? Is there something like linux_popen()?
> Thanks. Sergio.

OK. It's me, the same person of the original post (I just changed my e-mail

I just imagined that what I needed to do could be achieved by creating a
separate source file which will be compiled using gcc against the standard
linux's libraries. Then I compiled the rest of the program and linked
everything together. Now, when I tried to run the application to just do:
program = popen("ls .", "r")
I got a message in the console saying "err: broken pipe".
To make the binary I did:
1) gcc -c linuxsource.c -o linuxsource.o
2) wingcc -c restofprogram.c -o restofprogram.o
3) To link: wingcc -share binaryname.spec restofprogram.o linuxsource.o 
resource.res -L/usr/local/lib/wine -lwine -lmsvcrt -lgdi32 -lshell32
-lole32 -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -o binaryname.dll
And well, I am actually making a dll not a program.

What's the problem here?

Thanks. Sergio.

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