Thread tests failure on Windows

Paul Vriens paul.vriens at
Thu Nov 17 06:51:19 CST 2005


I've not been able to get the kernel thread tests working on windows. The
only thing I've found is that changing thread.c:

    /* simulate a call to set_test_val(10) */
#if 0
    stack = (int *)ctx.Esp;
    stack[-1] = 10;
    stack[-2] = ctx.Eip;
    ctx.Esp -= 2 * sizeof(int *);
    ctx.Eip = (DWORD)set_test_val;

or even

#if 0
    ctx.Eip = (DWORD)set_test_val;

makes the test run instead of crashing. They still fail, but only for the
last ok().

Unfortunatly this is way over my head. So I'd appreciate if someone could
have a look.

What worries me (maybe needless) is that the test runs OK on Wine. So
either we're way better or we implement things differently.



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