Need help debugging a memory corruption bug in shfldr_unixfs.c

Michael Jung mjung at
Fri Aug 26 16:03:33 CDT 2005

Hi Andy,

On Friday 26 August 2005 22:26, Andreas Mohr wrote:
> Why not use a watchpoint on that location?
> Choose some significant function call a while before the crash,
> have a breakpoint on that function (a DPA related function probably is
> best), check out which infoPtr is the relevant one, then watch on the
> hdpaItems location, i.e. watch *0xsomewhere
> then continue execution until it triggers and you know where the value got
> overwritten.

Thanks for your comments. The problem is that things are really dynamic here. 
Every time you double click a folder, the current ShellView object is 
destroyed and a new one is created. Given that I have to browse into like 30 
different folders before it crashes on me, I can't pin down the relevant 

Michael Jung
mjung at

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