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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for programs

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member __anon357 /dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 34319
class, struct, or union member __anon709 /dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 42502
class, struct, or union member __anon710 /dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 42521
class, struct, or union member __anon924 /dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 46849
class, struct, or union member __anon925 /dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 46868
class, struct, or union member __anon2130 /dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 73565
class, struct, or union member glAreProgramsResidentNV_params /dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 2695
class, struct, or union member glDeleteProgramsARB_params /dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 5916
class, struct, or union member glDeleteProgramsNV_params /dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 5923
class, struct, or union member glGenProgramsARB_params /dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 7567
class, struct, or union member glGenProgramsNV_params /dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 7574
class, struct, or union member glRequestResidentProgramsNV_params /dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 18054
local variable /dlls/shell32/dde.c 130
local variable /dlls/shell32/dde.c 144
local variable /dlls/shell32/tests/progman_dde.c 95
local variable /dlls/shell32/tests/progman_dde.c 423
class, struct, or union member wined3d_glsl_blitter /dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c 12519
macro /loader/ 13
macro /server/ 1
macro /tools/ 1
class, struct, or union member makefile /tools/makedep.c 188
macro /tools/sfnt2fon/ 1
macro /tools/widl/ 1
macro /tools/winebuild/ 1
macro /tools/winedump/ 1
macro /tools/winegcc/ 1
macro /tools/wmc/ 1
macro /tools/wrc/ 1

28 declarations in 16 files.

References to programs

File Line
/aclocal.m4 317
/configure 2469 2714 9579 22927 22928 22929 22930 22931 22932 22933 22934 22935 22936 22937 22938 22939 22940 22941 22942 22943 22944 22945 22946 22947 22948 22949 22950 22951 22952 22953 22954 22955 22956 22957 22958 22959 22960 22961 22962 22963 22964 22965 22966 22967 22968 22969 22970 22971 22972 22973 22974 22975 22976 22977 22978 22979 22980 22981 22982 22983 22984 22985 22986 22987 22988 22989 22990 22991 22992 22993 22994 22995 22996 22997 22998 22999 23000 23001 23002 23003 23004 23005 23006 23007 23008 23009 23010 23011 23012 23013 23014 23015 23016 23017 23018 23019 23020 23021 23022 23023 23024 23025 23026 23027 23028 23029 23030 23031 23032 23033 23034 23035 23036 23037 23038 23039 23040 23041 23042 23043 23044 23045 23046 23047 23048 23049 23050
/dlls/opengl32/thunks.c 2881 2883 2883 2885 5728 5730 5730 5732 5736 5738 5738 5740 7469 7471 7471 7473 7477 7479 7479 7481 17269 17271 17271 17273
/dlls/opengl32/unix_thunks.c 2883 5683 5691 7419 7427 17179 34319 34327 34327 42502 42508 42508 42521 42527 42527 46849 46855 46855 46868 46874 46874 73565 73571 73571 95738 96091 96092 96308 96309 97529
/dlls/opengl32/unixlib.h 2695 5916 5923 7567 7574 18054
/dlls/shell32/dde.c 130 132 133 134 144 153 154 167 189
/dlls/shell32/tests/progman_dde.c 95 97 107 423 429 430 431
/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c 12519 12560 13087 13104 13394
/include/wine/wgl_driver.h 394 747 748 964 965 2185
/loader/ 13
/server/ 1
/tools/ 1
/tools/make_makefiles 173 345 348 350 363
/tools/makedep.c 188 3651 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3893 4279
/tools/runtest 102 106
/tools/sfnt2fon/ 1
/tools/widl/ 1 33
/tools/winebuild/ 1 15
/tools/winedump/ 1 31
/tools/winegcc/ 1 20
/tools/wmc/ 1 18
/tools/wrc/ 1 23

247 references in 22 files.