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Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for no

Type Member of File Line
variable definition /dlls/crypt32/object.c 2406
local variable /dlls/dxdiagn/provider.c 548
local variable /dlls/localspl/provider.c 3420
local variable /dlls/localspl/tests/localmon.c 883
local variable /dlls/riched20/paint.c 941
local variable /dlls/win32u/path.c 405
local variable /dlls/winspool.drv/info.c 2566
class, struct, or union member _xmlRegAtom /libs/xml2/xmlregexp.c 185
class, struct, or union member _xmlAutomataState /libs/xml2/xmlregexp.c 228

9 declarations in 8 files.

References to no

File Line
/aclocal.m4 172 173 198 218 255 272 303 385 393 400
/configure 120 191 514 606 1975 2077 2079 2079 2079 2079 2079 2080 2080 2083 2083 2083 2083 2084 2084 2084 2084 2084 2084 2230 2282 2371 2481 3303 3303 3303 3303 4083 4094 4320 4390 4390 4418 4502 4509 4516 4523 4530 4537 4544 4551 4558 4565 4572 4572 4703 4891 5249 5263 5372 5467 5492 5566 5575 5621 5667 5888 5913 5987 5996 6042 6297 6300 6301 6334 6341 6377 6411 6418 6465 6552 6557 6626 6631 7576 7581 7591 7622 7647 7655 7731 7801 10900 10934 10968 11002 11036 11070 11104 11138 11172 11206 11240 11274 11308 11342 11376 11410 11444 11478 11512 11546 11580 11616 11652 11686 11720 11754 11788 11822 11856 11913 11947 11985 12019 12106 12107 13419 13419 13996 14008 14009 14035 14119 14141 14183 14183 14340 14353 14381 14414 14442 14455 14483 14512 14540 14562 14590 14612 14640 14692 15078 15134 15310 15352 15959 15970 16033 16158 16236 16400 16444 16476 16499 16531 16554 16586 16614 16673 16699 16765 17096 17122 17184 17214 17344 17418 17450 17543 17679 17724 17823 17853 17932 17949 17966 18000 18029 18079 18107 18172 18268 18508 18535 18866 19012 19126 19284 19312 19340 19368 19396 19424 19452 19480 19508 19536 19564 19592 19620 19648 19676 19704 19732 19760 19788 19817 19846 19877 19905 19937 20038 20071 20101 20129 20157 20188 20218 20255 20283 20317 20348 20386 20509 20517 20569 20577 20629 20637 20689 20697 20919 20927 20962 20983 20999 21010 21095 21618 21647 21676 21705 21734 21763 21792 21821 21853 21877 21878 21879 23852 23852 24569
/dlls/crypt32/object.c 2406 2438 2438 2460 2490
/dlls/dxdiagn/provider.c 548 577
/dlls/localspl/provider.c 3420 3425 3433 3439 3445
/dlls/localspl/tests/localmon.c 883 893 894 913 935 937 937 946 948 948
/dlls/riched20/paint.c 941 1005 1040 1047
/dlls/win32u/path.c 405 407 410
/dlls/wineps.drv/printproc.c 2921 2926 2928 2934 2949
/dlls/winprint/printproc.c 65 73 75 81 96
/dlls/winspool.drv/info.c 2566 2568 2579 2585 2591
/libs/mpg123/src/libmpg123/lfs_wrap.c 68
/libs/mpg123/src/libmpg123/parse.c 986 997 998 1008 1008 1017 1019 1019 1022 1022 1031
/libs/png/pngrutil.c 3043
/libs/xml2/include/libxml/xmlreader.h 212 227
/libs/xml2/include/libxml/xpathInternals.h 355
/libs/xml2/xinclude.c 762 767 774
/libs/xml2/xmlreader.c 2269 2286 2295 2514 2530 2541
/libs/xml2/xmlregexp.c 185 228 605 626 642 1134 1134 1171 1188 1221 1223 1332 1389 1394 1394 1422 1422 1436 1441 1465 1929 3142 3461 3519 5548
/libs/xml2/xpath.c 769 770
/libs/xml2/xpointer.c 193 198 205
/libs/xslt/libxslt/xsltutils.c 2668 2672
/libs/xslt/libxslt/xsltutils.h 329

369 references in 23 files.