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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for define

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member _xmlRelaxNGParserCtxt /libs/xml2/relaxng.c 223
local variable /libs/xml2/relaxng.c 5765
local variable /libs/xml2/relaxng.c 7971
local variable /libs/xml2/relaxng.c 8179
local variable /libs/xml2/relaxng.c 8335
subroutine /tools/winapi/ 50
structure name /tools/wrc/wpp.c 49

7 declarations in 3 files.

References to define

File Line
/aclocal.m4 268
/configure 3010 6618 7714 7784
/dlls/dbghelp/dbghelp.c 166
/dlls/ntdll/unix/signal_i386.c 387
/dlls/ntdll/unix/signal_x86_64.c 296 2538
/include/msvcrt/corecrt.h 99
/include/windef.h 102
/include/winnt.h 1968 2485
/libs/xml2/relaxng.c 223 668 975 977 980 980 983 985 987 987 988 989 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 3373 3388 3392 3395 3397 3399 3410 3423 3437 3452 3454 4649 4650 4653 5463 5464 5533 5765 5772 5774 5782 5790 5795 5804 5819 5826 5852 5857 5866 6694 6695 6730 7718 7744 7746 7748 7760 7762 7763 7764 7766 7767 7772 7777 7782 7787 7792 7797 7802 7807 7812 7813 7815 7820 7821 7823 7828 7829 7831 7836 7847 7954 7971 7982 7990 7996 8179 8194 8203 8209 8223 8233 8236 8254 8255 8335 8347 8348 8349 8352 8530 8622 8629 8629 8632 8634 8635 8637 8639 8644 8653 8656 8659 8666 8673 8747 8753 8768 8769 8772 8774 8775 8775 8776 8782 8796 8813 8821 8847 8921 8942 8966 8982 8998 9012 9016 9061 9065 9066 9069 9070 9075 9079 9081 9081 9082 9085 9094 9097 9123 9132 9135 9136 9136 9139 9152 9172 9178 9189 9207 9210 9319 9331 9332 9342 9496 9497 9663 9667 9668 9669 9673 9673 9677 9679 9682 9683 9686 9687 9691 9694 9694 9695 9703 9722 9730 9882 9888 9902 9903 9904 9911 9931 9948 9968 10004 10005 10011 10021 10031 10075 10077 10130 10173 10208 10253 10285 10366 10366 10374 10411 10460 10463 10466 10473 10506 10509 10551 10554 10605 10627 10628 10629 10649 10668 10690
/tools/winapi/msvcmaker 732 733 796 797 1307
/tools/winapi/ 50 114
/tools/winapi/ 700
/tools/wrc/wpp.c 49 519 521 549 553 573 575

257 references in 13 files.