
World Wine News

All the news that fits, we print.

by Brian Vincent
Issue: 281

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This is the 281st issue of the Wine Weekly News publication. Its main goal is to lose keys. It also serves to inform you of what's going on around Wine. Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. Think of it as a Windows compatibility layer. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely alternative implementation consisting of 100% Microsoft-free code, but it can optionally use native system DLLs if they are available. You can find more info at

This week, 153 posts consumed 550 K. There were 63 different contributors. 34 (53%) posted more than once. 29 (46%) posted last week too.

The top 5 posters of the week were:

  1. 10 posts in 36K by Dmitry Timoshkov
  2. 9 posts in 26K by Saulius Krasuckas
  3. 8 posts in 22K by Michael Jung
  4. 6 posts in 14K by Alexandre Julliard
  5. 5 posts in 13K by Mike McCormack

News: Wine-20050628, CXOffice & Macs; Status Updates 06/25/2005 Archive

First off, this week Alexandre dumped wine-20050628 upon the world. The release included these notable changes:

WHAT'S NEW with Wine-20050628: (see ChangeLog for details)

  • Configuration settings moved to the registry.
  • Graphical Wine configuration tool is now enabled.
  • More MSI and OLE improvements.
  • Reorganisation of the DirectDraw directory.
  • Initial support for webcams.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Last week I completely overlooked a press release from CodeWeavers and it's definitely worthy of attention. With MacOS moving to Intel it opens a door for Wine to be ported and used for porting. CodeWeavers announced a new initiative in that direction. From the press release:

CodeWeavers, Inc., the leading Windows-to-Linux software developer, today announced a major expansion of its software porting capabilities to include support for Windows-to-Macintosh application porting. The new capabilities, made possible by Apple's eventual move to Intel x86 chips, promises to significantly reduce the time and cost of developing Mac versions of Windows software, opening new possibilities for mid-tier Windows software companies.

"Apple's decision to shift to Intel chips is good news for many Windows developers who, for reasons of time and/or expense, have never created Mac versions of their key applications," said Jeremy White, CEO of CodeWeavers. "CodeWeavers can give these developers a low-cost and near-instant path to market through the use of CrossOver technology."

Below you'll find the beginning of a thread that appeared on the Darwine mailing list concerning this. All in all this is pretty exciting and it offers a lot of interesting possibilities for Wine and CodeWeavers.

Tom Wickline has gone through and updated Wine's status pages to reflect work that's been done over the past six months. As usual, these are rough estimates of how well things are implemented. If you look at the status page changelog to get a feel for what's been worked on. Wine development is steamrolling ahead with 10MB of patches hitting the mailing list in June alone. Historically Wine, and most open source projects, usually experiences a lull in patches during June, July and August but that definitely isn't the case this year.

The config File Has Died! 06/28/2005 Archive

At WineConf '05 Alexandre set a deadline for removing the config file: June 30th, 2005. The changes to start that process began in earnest about three weeks ago. This week the config file died a quiet death in time for the CVS drop of wine-20050628:

ChangeSet ID: 18504
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: [email protected] 2005/06/28 08:55:21

Removed files:

    documentation/samples: config

Log message:

    Get rid of the sample configuration file.


We've been covering this topic for about two years since the work on winecfg began. It's great to see a major piece of Wine's usability fall into place. In fact, the commit date was even two days earlier than the deadline.

So what does that mean for anyone using Wine? Well, be careful right now. There's still code in Wine that parses the old ~/.wine/config , and those entries still get read into the HKLM\Software\Wine\Wine\Config branch. However, those entries are dead. All of the real Wine settings have been migrated elsewhere in the registry. To configure Wine, your first stop should be to check out the winecfg program to see if it can make a change in the registry for you. If you feel like changing registry settings using regedit , you should first look in HKCU\Software\Wine since many settings have been migrated there.

The next work to be done in this area will remove the actual code that reads the config file. In the meantime, if you have a config file you'll want to archive the settings somewhere and then ditch it.

CodeWeavers & Darwine 06/22/2005 Archive

On the Darwine mailing list, Jeremy White announced the following concerning a Mac port:

I just wanted to let folks know that we've officially announced that we'll be providing CrossOver Office for the Mac. We will likely be using/supporting/aiding + abetting the Darwine project/process as our way of achieving that.

This is pretty exciting for us; we've done a lot of Mac work through the years, and have some Mac bigots on staff. We'd just never seen a way to make a Mac version of CrossOver make business sense...until now.

We're still figuring out just how we want to attack this, and so on (and waiting for our dev kit to arrive <g>) Right now, we're trying to encourage ISVs to partner with us; the more interest we can generate now, the more energy we can put into this prior to the official Intel/Mac launch.

But I figured I'd drop a note to let folks know, and to say thank you for all the work you've put in. I hope we can pitch in and help out!

The Darwine folks seemed happy to have CodeWeavers support and by the end of the week some CodeWeavers staff were discussing items on the mailing list.

UnixFS for Windows Desktop 06/30/2005 Archive

Michael Jung announced a new addition to all of Wine's controls:

With the current CVS version, the unixfs shell namespace extension is now registered by default at the desktop. So if you do a 'regsvr32 shell32' you will see the unix filesystem in the file dialogs. It's probably still quite buggy though. It would be cool if we could get the biggest problems sorted out before the next release. So if you have an application, which doesn't work due to unixfs, please report to wine-devel.

If you don't want to use unixfs, because you don't like it or because it totally breaks your setup, you can delete the following registry-key and you should be back to the old behaviour:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\Namespace\ {9D20AAE8-0625-44B0-9CA7-71889C2254D9}

This will also help you to figure out if a problem is due to unixfs. If you do 'regsvr32 shell32' again, the key will be re-created.

Dimi wondered why registering it was necessary, This is fantastic! Way to go Michael, you've nailed an important integration issue. BTW, if it is registered by default, why do we need to 'regsvr32 shell32'?

Michael explained only existing users of Wine required it, Thanks. If you start without a .wine directory, you won't need the 'regsvr32 shell32'. So for a fresh install, you will end up with unixfs. But if you already have a '.wine' directory and want unixfs to be registered, you'll have to do it by hand.

Microsoft HTML Help 06/30/2005 Archive

Jacek Caban has been working on implementing MSHTML for a while now. He's refocused his efforts on integrating with a Linux build of Mozilla. The way to do that relies on the XEMBED protocol for X. However there's definitely some issues there. We covered that in past issues. This week Mike McCormack brought up something that could be developed in parallel:

If anybody is looking for a small project, I've got just the thing for you!

hh.exe and hhctrl.ocx are two components of the Microsoft HTML help engine. hh.exe is a small wrapper around hhctrl.ocx, which is the HTML help viewer.

hhctrl.ocx embeds IE and feeds it HTML documents decoded from .chm files with itss.dll (the Infotech storage system). Implementing hhctrl.ocx would make an excellent test case for IE embedding that Jacek is working on, and for itss.dll.

So most of the components are already in place (or will be soon) to make HTML help work... any takers to fill in the dots?

The reward is, like most of Wine code, to say "I made that work" :)

Let me know if you're interested.

Jacek described some more details about how to tackle it:

I think it will be great to have it done. I'd like to point out one thing for the way to implement it: the most important is to have it working with native shdocvw.dll and mshtml.dll. It won't work with builtin in their current state, but it will be fixed soon and I believe it can be in CVS even if it doesn't work without these dlls. While implementing then we shouldn't pay too much attention to get it working with Mozilla ActiveX Control - it will never work perfectly and I hope to get rid of its dependency soon. Of course you may get it working, but, as my tests show, it's far from compatible with MS. Also, we need to use itss.dll, which is impossible with Mozilla ActiveX (I'm not sure if Mozilla has support for chm protocol, but even if so it's worse to use it).

About implementing hh.exe... it seems to be pretty easy. Attached is (not tested) implementation:-)

Another related idea is, as I have spoken with Mike on irc, to use html help in winecfg. It looks like a nice way to have a complex and integrated help. This would mean that we need to implement the chm compiler. To do so we may use chmlib: that Mike used in itss to decompress chm.

As a conclusion: it would be really good to have this working in Wine. It uses most of IE's related API (I didn't mention URLMoniker here, which also needs some work) and getting it to work out of box will be a great test for Wine.

The hh.exe program Jacek mentioned is simply a wrapper around the hhctrl.ocx control:

#include <windows.h>

typedef int WINAPI DOWINMAIN(HMODULE hMod, LPSTR cmdline);

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR cmdline, int cmdshow)

    HMODULE hModule;
    DOWINMAIN *doWinMain;

    hModule = LoadLibrary("hhctrl.ocx");
    doWinMain = GetProcAddress(hModule, "doWinMain");

    return doWinMain(hInst, cmdline);

Summer of Code Results 06/28/2005 Archive
Project Management

Jeremy White announced the status of Google's Summer of Code. We still haven't seen the details yet or who will be working with Wine. In the meantime, Jeremy outlined the process they went through:

As I'm sure you all know, Google has now accepted 6 students to work on projects for Wine.

Alexandre, Dan Kegel, Lionel Ulmer, Dimi O'Paun and I worked on the Wine committee that reviewed the applications, and we were all impressed by the depth and quality of the applications, and we're excited to have 6 fresh new workers on Wine.

We're working right now on connecting these 6 students with their mentors; we hope to announce more details once we've made those connections.

To be honest, we're running a bit behind here; I think Google jumped into this without being as prepared as you might otherwise hope, and there have been challenges in figuring this all out. (We're still largely clueless about the responsibilities of mentors from Google's perspective, for example).

So, thanks to everyone that submitted a proposal.

I'd particularly like to thank those people that submitted a great proposal and were not accepted.

To be quite honest, we were disappointed that Google only selected 6 applicants; we put forward 18 different applications that we thought were all worthy of funding.

So, thanks again to everyone, and most of all, thanks to Google for spurring Wine development!

Google's Earth 06/28/2005 Archive

Google released a new application this week and apparently it works pretty good with Wine. I tried to download it and try it, but apparently it's still under a limited beta test. Jonathan Ernst reported:

I just wanted to let you know that the new Google Earth application is working quite well under Wine. There is only an issue with the menus disappearing under the pictures but it is very promising.

I wrote a message to google to let them know about it (they might want to add that their application can work on other OSes than Windows).


This comes on the heels of another Google application released last year that also works great under Wine: Picasa .

World of Warcraft Broken 06/14/2005 Archive

Someone wrote in to report World of Warcraft was broken due to a patch released by Blizzard:

It's me again. The latest WoW patch (1.5.1) broke stuff again, and now I'm unable to click on anything outside of menu items in game. The issue seems to be related to camera angle, as I am able to click on items/people when I have my camera positioned just right. It's basically unplayable at the moment though.

Anyway, I'd appreciate it if one of the OpenGL/D3D guys (it's most likely something that would be easily fixed by one of you) could take a look at it if they have some free time.

Raphael Junqueira looked at it and figured out it really wasn't a Wine problem, but a misbehaving application:

Well cedega seems to have the same problem (google) and they fixed it using specific memory layout for WoW (mmap begins at 0x10000000) Seems more a WoW bug than wine/cedega bug :)

Ove Kåven recognized the problem as well:

It looks like a game bug related to virtual memory to me, and it's possible to do a couple of configuration changes in Cedega to provoke different virtual memory layouts, which apparently makes a difference. Exactly why, I don't know. Since workarounds exist for now, and it's not a simple bug to track down, and it's possible Blizzard may simply fix the bug themselves in a future update, this is not important enough that I've been told to drop my current tasks and do an in-depth investigation of this instead.

Christoph Rudorff found an ugly workaround:

To me it looks like an overoptimized geometry problem. As long there is only sky and no terrain or building behind the objects, you can klick them. This is mostly the case, when you look up. Just like users reported.

I just wrote a lousy mmap wrapper which sets start to 0x10000000 . This works for me with wine 20050601 and the latest from cvs.

Aric Cyr found a different one:

Also, there is an interesting workaround for the clicking problem as well on the Gentoo forums. Seems to be working for the majority of people (including myself). It seems to reaffirm that the problem is indeed the memory layout.

Christoph went back and looked at it again and reported a similar fix floating around:

More interesting:

Gamers are playing with lib. wrapper ... just like me! But I came to the same conclusion:

    static void initialize() __attribute__ ((constructor));

    static void initialize() {
      printf("Hurra !!!\n");
      // _mmap = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "mmap");

Finally it is the printf which does the magic and not the wrapped mmap! The above example also worked for me. Can we still solve this problem with logic?

Mike Hearn thought it was just covering up a different problem, Hehe, I highly doubt it's the printf. More likely, the LD_PRELOADed shared library is modifying the address space in such a way that the WoW bug is no longer triggered. I expect you could put anything there (that won't be optimised out) and it'll still work.

A newer patch came out from Blizzard, but apparently it didn't fix the memory bug.

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