
World Wine News

All the news that fits, we print.

by Brian Vincent
Issue: 242

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This is the 242nd issue of the Wine Weekly News publication. Its main goal is to to go shopping. It also serves to inform you of what's going on around Wine. Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. Think of it as a Windows compatibility layer. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely alternative implementation consisting of 100% Microsoft-free code, but it can optionally use native system DLLs if they are available. You can find more info at

This week, 146 posts consumed 3274 K. There were 43 different contributors. 26 (60%) posted more than once. 17 (39%) posted last week too.

The top 5 posters of the week were:

  1. 24 posts in 103K by Mike Hearn
  2. 23 posts in 2772K by James Hawkins
  3. 11 posts in 30K by Alexandre Julliard
  4. 8 posts in 24K by Robert Shearman
  5. 6 posts in 21K by Joaquin Fernandez

News: Desktop Linux 09/25/2004 Archive

Sort of a slow news week, so we'll scrape the bottom of the news bin for something vaguely related to Wine. Over at PC Advisor you can find an article about desktop Linux migration and the catch-22 posed by not having native applications. Namely, how can you get new users to use Linux without having a lot of applications available; and likewise, how can you get a lot of applications without a large userbase? The article sums up some of Linux's strengths and areas that do migrate easily. Some quotes from CodeWeavers' Jeremy White are included in the discussion.

WineCfg Status Update 09/29/2004 Archive
Configuration Status Updates

Winecfg, the graphical Wine configuration tool, went through quite a few months with no changes. On the backend, a lot of subtle changes have improved Wine and made it almost capable of automatically configuring itself to the point that Winecfg can be run to make tweaks that would otherwise be done in the hopefully-soon-to-be-removed config file. Ironically, a couple of people expressed interest in working on Winecfg recently just as Mike Hearn mentioned he had some work laying around that needed to be committed. Well, Mike was able to find some time this week to put those patches together and Alexandre committed most of them shortly after. With those in, it paves the way for anyone else wanting to make changes and hopefully improve it even more.

When we last discussed Winecfg (WWN issue #234 ) a list of to-do items was presented. Those were the items Mike tackled and he gave a status update on a point-by-point basis:

You probably want to increase the size of the drive mappings list so it fills the tab, currently there is just a lot of empty space at the top of the pane now you removed the old stuff.

    If AJ commits the last two patches, this is done. In fact, the editing has been moved into the main tab, as there isn't much reason to have a separate window for this and it simplifies the UI and code somewhat.

Also we should kill the autodetect button. This is done by wineprefixcreate these days, or should be.

    Getting there ... drive autodetection is implemented. The heuristics could perhaps be improved but they'll do for now. But, we need to call it from wineprefixcreate. This means adding code like so to main():
      if (argv[0] is "--drive-detect")
        gui_mode = FALSE;
        return apply_drive_changes();

Drive editing seems broken. The list box only updates the second time I hit edit. err:winecfg:applyDriveChanges unable to set volume label for devicename of 'H:\', label of ''

    With my last two patches, this works for me.

Browse in the "Add/Edit drive" dialog is a WRITEME

    Oh hum, good point. I suspect this still does nothing, I don't remember.

    We need to make sure / is mapped (there is a function to do this in drivedetect.c), trigger the shell directory select dialog, then if we had to map / automatically, unmap it again. Not too hard to implement. We can probably slide this for 0.9, it's not essential.

Build system isn't right: I did a cvs update but the res files weren't recreated properly. I had to do a make clean to get the gui updates.

    Probably my [ab]uses of make depend, can be ignored.

"Add Application" has poor usability: we always use a file browser dialog box even though the most common use case is just "foo.exe", ie the user knows the name and doesn't care about the location. Worse we start in the c:\windows\desktop folder for some reason, meaning users might accidentally select a .lnk file!

    Well, we still use a file open dialog but at least it starts in c:\ now and is filtered on EXE files. If somebody wants to implement a natty dialog like the GNOME run window, go for it! This would be a nice usability improvement, especially if you implemented then used listview tile mode.

The Add/Remove application buttons are *way* too big!


Obviously, once audio autodetection has been moved into the drivers we need to kill the audio tab.

    Still needs to be done. Not all that hard.

Libraries tab just has generally poor usability, actually. The first item in the radio group is "Builtin" meaning that's the one users are most likely to select, it should be "builtin, native" followed by "native, builtin"

    Lots of tweaks to this tab, I find it a lot more convenient to work with now. The main remaining problem is that enter always triggers OK in the applet itself, and when you're typing in a new DLL you want to add, you want enter to add it not close the window! Not sure how to fix this without messing up the property sheet API.

We ask the user to understand a magic * symbol to set the default - what is up with that?


There are no helpful default entries in the drop down box for setting a DLL override, and when you add one the tree does not expand so to actually *set* it you have to expand the tree then select the new override.

    It doesn't use a treeview anymore, but the combo box could definitely use some of the most common entries to give people a hint.

We have way too many (eg, more than zero) tree controls in this app.

    Fixed. This simplifies the code enormously. I don't think there's really any problem with selecting the app you want to edit on the first tab and it means there aren't any weird states anymore where you can have a selection in the treeview that doesn't actually mean anything. The titlebar now reflects the app you're editing.

Drive mappings list is really unclear, there's no separation between the "Drive X:" label and the unix path its mapped to.

    This is improved a bit now too but really I'd like to see us use the listview control with a header control here.

So in summary the BIG things we need to do before we can consider winecfg good enough for 0.9 are:

  • Delete the audio tab and use autodetection at wine startup instead
  • Add a --drive-detect switch and use it from wineprefixcreate
  • Update the docs to reflect usage of the new tool (Brian is on this)

After 0.9 we can look at more UI improvements, importing some artwork to make it prettier, maybe eliminating the property sheet as that's a big pain to work with (though, it may be also that our control is buggy :), and so on. Probably adding more prefs as well, for things like printing and fonts maybe.

I'd like to see us get winecfg to some kind of finished, releasable 1.0 state before the end of the year though and then we can mark that task as done on the TODO list.

Mike also mentioned he probably wouldn't be working on Winecfg for a while. James Hawkins expressed interest in adding autodetection to the audio drivers but he didn't know how to go about doing it. Each driver needs to be fixed but James didn't know what exactly needed to be changed. With regard to the docs, see the next thread..

Wine User Guide Changes 09/26/2004 Archive

Can I cover threads I start myself? Sure.. why not? This topic actually goes back to last winter when Winecfg was under development. We noticed the docs about configuring Wine were out of date and the situation would only get worse if we started using Winecfg. So we added an item to the to-do list to change the docs about configuration and also go through and remove extraneous info. I started on that a few weeks ago and when Mike Hearn submitted those Winecfg patches I decided it would be a good idea to put up a preview of work I did on the documentation side:

With Mike's recent Winecfg patches and the renewed hope we'll cut over to using Winecfg some day, I went through and began updating the Wine User Guide. The focus of the changes thus far was to remove references to the config file and discuss Winecfg instead. Without actually being able to use Winecfg these changes are useless, but it's probably worth looking this over to see whether these docs are headed in the right direction. For now, the biggest changes can be found in configuring.sgml (which translates into the "Configuring Wine" part of the guide.)

(Not having looked at Mike's recent patches, I'm sure this will soon be out of date. Things like drive detection are missing. There's also parts that I left undone: such as the printing config, an appendix listing reg keys would be nice once we know what they all are. Other parts probably need a better explanation, such as font configuration. Anything you notice missing is probably worth telling me about, though it won't be hard to find lots of mistakes.)

One of the big goals of all this is to reduce the amount of documentation and outdated stuff. Therefore, registry.sgml, printing.sgml, and fonts.sgml have been somewhat merged into configuring.sgml. fonts.sgml contained a lot of outdated info in it that probably caused more confusion than helped.

Going forward, we have a lot of documentation in the User Guide about downloading Wine, compiling Wine, CVS, etc; mostly stuff that's already duplicated in some form or another on the web site. I'd like to see as much stuff like that removed from the User Guide as possible, we can simply refer people to WineHQ for more info. (I think the reason for the duplication is that the website docs simply didn't exist when the User Guide was written, now the website has superseded the User Guide.) When it's all said and done we should be left with the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Configuration
  • Running
  • Troubleshooting

At least, that's the direction I think it should go and at some point I could begin making those changes. Anyone disagree? Any thoughts, comments, concerns, criticisms?

Mike pointed out that I really needed to apply his patches and then reevaluate Winecfg. With that in mind, there's still quite a bit of work to do on the Wine User Guide. If anyone is interested in helping out, I could provide some pointers and a list of things to work on (email vinn -at- or wine-devel -at- ).

Upgrade Management 09/28/2004 Archive

The title of this sort of says it all: upgrade management. Well, if you've been using Wine for a while you probably fall into one of two categories: something worked a long time ago so you didn't bother to upgrade or you continuously download Wine in hopes your favorite app now works. Either way, you'll probably eventually try to get a new version of Wine and figure out that something doesn't work the way it used to. (Of course, most of you reading this probably fall into the masochist category who actually enjoy deleting their entire configuration and recompiling from scratch.) Being able to install a new version and have things automagically work is important to many people. Mike Hearn brought this topic up and I have a hunch it's not the last time we'll hear about it:

There are a bunch of different ways we may want to upgrade the user's configuration:

  • Changes to $WINEPREFIX (~/.wine), for example:
    • Introducing faked DLL headers
    • Improved drive detection
    • Changing the way the registry is stored
    • Adding stuff to the virtual Windows drive
  • Modifying the registry
    • Adding new keys
    • Adding new appdefaults (default config options should be in the code itself). While we have a policy of not having app-specific hacks in Wine, some situations are very hard to resolve without custom overrides. The Internet Explorer installer does a bunch of things we really don't want it to do. The DCOM installer needs custom overrides to convince it to install. And so on.
    • Registering new COM DLLs

      (these all boil down to rerunning wine.inf)
  • Adding new binaries such as fonts, PE DLLs (think Moz AX control), and so on. These may be placed somewhere in the Wine install directory and then symlinked or copied (presumably linked) into drive C.

This leads to the following questions:

  • How do we know when to upgrade the user's wineprefix?
  • How do we avoid disturbing the user's configuration?
  • What implementation do we use to upgrade it?

One potential implementation for knowing when to upgrade the wineprefix is to version it in a similar manner to how we version the wineserver protocol: with a simple incrementing integer. This could be stored in the registry, and Wine's initialization sequence changed to be:

  • Does $WINEPREFIX exist?
    • No, call wineprefixcreate. Continue with startup
    • Yes? Check the wineprefix version key, if it is < the version compiled into the source run "wineprefixcreate --upgrade $oldversion $newversion" , which then performs the upgrade. If it exits with a zero exit code, the version key is set to the number compiled into the source. Then continue with startup
If registry access is too difficult here, a simpler implementation could be used: just store the number in a .version file.

How do we avoid disturbing the user's configuration? Alexandre already laid out the plan for this, which is to have HKLM (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) devoted to the defaults we cunningly choose for maximum kewlness, and HKCU (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) is where the user's settings are stored. These override the defaults, meaning we can change the default settings by altering wine.inf, then bumping the wineprefix version so triggering a remerge of the default registry contents.

This means modifying each piece of code where we read the registry to figure out a user-configurable option. The algorithm becomes:

  1. Check the relevant key in HKCU, if it exists use it
  2. Otherwise, if it's an appdefault, check the same key in HKLM
  3. Otherwise, use the hardcoded default

In most cases, there's no point in duplicating the points at which we can control the defaults, doing it in the code is fine. So, it basically means grepping the source to find out where we read settings from, and changing them to use HKCU instead of HKLM, perhaps also reading HKLM depending on the context of the setting (settings that can be used in appdefaults should check both).

I don't know how common these settings are but it might be worth having a utility function either in a DLL or inline in a header to do this. Registry code isn't complicated but it is tedious and easy to mess up, so we might as well reduce code duplication at the same time.

I think the best implementation is to keep the code responsible for managing WINEPREFIX in wineprefixcreate, and simply extend this program to handle upgrades as well. OK, so the name will be a bit inaccurate but let's not change it - users are already discovering the new program and getting used to it, no need to modify it now especially as it's mostly an internal program.

In the above example the old version and new version numbers were passed to wineprefixcreate but most of the time that information wouldn't be needed, for instance if we were to introduce fake DLL headers we could simply check if they already existed and skip that part if so. I think there's no harm in running wine.inf multiple times, so we could just do that every time for both creation and upgrade.

I think this addresses most of the issues with upgrades, though I'm sure Alexandre can think of more :) Potential unresolved problems:

  • [How] do we lock wineprefix during upgrade so other processes that are run hang about until it's done?
  • Currently moving registry keys about is done actually in the code itself: we copy it across then print a message telling the user to delete the old setting manually. There's a fair bit of evidence that some users simply don't spot/understand these warnings. Also, we want to allow people to upgrade Wine with quite long intervals in between yet eventually this code gets deleted.

    Maybe a better solution is just to have wineprefixcreate understand how to move registry keys around in response to bumping the version. If the script gets too unwieldy, we could split particular upgrades into separate scripts in $prefix/share/wine.
  • Are there any weird setups where parts of wineprefix are shared between different users/systems that we need to take into account?

Thoughts? Comments?

Well, the immediate thought is, "Why bother?" Marcus Meissner brought forth that view:

I was always a fan of upgrades, but in the meantime I am more a follower of:

"If you upgrade to this new version, please re-setup your whole wine configuration and merge over your data."

This should only very seldom be the case anyway.

This causes less work for us and less work for the user due to us breaking his update.

Marcus wasn't the only person with that view, so Mike explained why he thought seamless upgrades were important:

Well, there are a couple of good reasons why automatic upgrades are good for us developers:

  1. If we don't, we'll just get bug reports due to people not having full upgrades: we already get plenty of bizarre bug reports due to broken packaging, last thing we need is for people to fill bugzilla with even more. And yes some developers do tech support :)
  2. We already do a ton of stuff automatically, and nobody ever notices. This strongly implies that automatic setup and configuration does benefit people: I can assure you they noticed when we didn't set up the wine config upstream! We want Wine to have a good reputation for reliability, but currently it doesn't - people run random Foo app, it crashes and burns maybe due to incorrect configuration and walk away saying "Oh well, Wine is crap, what did I expect?". This happens quite a bit. Ensuring the user is cleanly and transparently upgraded makes things Just Work to a greater extent, which is good for everybody.

I'm still not hugely convinced about the backup thing: if you want to back up your configuration before upgrading Wine it's very easy:

    cp -rv ~/.wine ~/.wine.old

... we could even do that as part of the upgrade process.

Possibly we should back up the registry, but not the virtual drive C. The C drive is going to change a lot less than the registry will: a Wine upgrade typically means new DLLs and maybe new registry contents. It rarely means changes to the drive layout.

Boaz Harrosh brought up some other points that need to be considered. For example, what happens if you have two versions of Wine running side by side? Silently making changes to the configuration could be considered quite rude. The thread ended here and seemed to be more of a food-for-thought exercise. However, given the complexity of Wine and the likelihood some parts of the configuration will need to change during an upgrade, this seems like a topic that will come up in the future.

Analyzing Debug Traces 09/27/2004 Archive

Finding out why a particular program doesn't work can be a tough exercise. Sometimes it's obvious when an API isn't implemented at all; at other times it's next to impossible to figure out when one isn't working correctly. This week James Hawkins posted a trace of trying to get EZ-CDDA Extractor to run. Mike Hearn took the time to dig through it and help explain what James was seeing. It's interesting to see this kind of detective work and it also serves as a good introduction to deciphering different Win32 calls:

I think Marcus is right, this looks like copy protection.

Let's engage on a little log analysis shall we? This is something that just comes with practice ...

Just after the program starts, it does a CreateProcess:

    0023:Call kernel32.CreateProcessA(406cd2f0 "C:\\Program Files\\Easy CD-DA Extractor 7\\ezcddax.exe", 403810d8 "ezcddax.exe", 00000000, 00000000, 00000001, 00000004, 00000000, 00000000, 406cd2ac, 406cd61c) ret=00750ec9

ezcddax is the real program and what you launched is just a stub.

Note the 6th parameter: it's 4, which is CREATE_SUSPENDED. So, the new process isn't supposed to start.

    [ snip lots of traces from CreateProcess ]
    0023:Ret kernel32.CreateProcessA() retval=00000001 ret=00750ec9

Here we are at the end.

    0023:Call kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(00000000) ret=00750fdb
    0023:Ret kernel32.GetModuleHandleA() retval=00400000 ret=00750fdb
    0023:Call kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(00000000) ret=00750ffe
    0023:Ret kernel32.GetModuleHandleA() retval=00400000 ret=00750ffe
    0023:Call kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(00000000) ret=00751012
    0023:Ret kernel32.GetModuleHandleA() retval=00400000 ret=00751012

Interesting. GetModuleHandle(NULL) returns the HMODULE of the current process. An HMODULE is simply a pointer to the base of the file which is mapped in: in the case of an EXE it'll be the headers.

So, it looks like this program is walking its own headers in memory - probably inspecting them for signs of tampering. More and more likely that this is copy protection.

    0023:Call kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(00000058,00761060,0078c96c,00000002,406cbc0c) ret=007556bd

It then reads the memory of the newly created process, 2 bytes from 0x761060. I wonder what is at that address?

Grep the log for it and bingo!

    0025:Starting process L"C:\\Program Files\\Easy CD-DA Extractor 7\\ezcddax.exe" (entryproc=0x761060)

So it's reading the first two bytes of the entry point. Checking for a breakpoint perhaps?

    0023:Call ntdll.NtReadVirtualMemory(00000058,00761060,0078c96c,00000002,406cbc0c) ret=404fab7a
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtReadVirtualMemory() retval=00000000 ret=404fab7a
    0023:Ret kernel32.ReadProcessMemory() retval=00000001 ret=007556bd
    0023:Call kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(00000058,00761060,406cbc08,00000002,406cbc0c) ret=00755723

Then it writes back 2 bytes to the same address. Maybe this is the bit that lets ezcddax know it was started by the launcher program and not directly by the user. I suspect if you suppress this WPM call, the program will pop up an error asking you to run the launcher app directly. It's probably writing a jump opcode.

    0023:Call ntdll.NtWriteVirtualMemory(00000058,00761060,406cbc08,00000002,406cbc0c) ret=404fabea
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtWriteVirtualMemory() retval=00000000 ret=404fabea
    0023:Ret kernel32.WriteProcessMemory() retval=00000001 ret=00755723
    0023:Call kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess(00000058,0078ca58) ret=0074f235

Now it goes into a loop, attempting to get the exit code of the process.

    0023:Call ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess(00000058,00000000,406cb86c,00000018,00000000) ret=404f5dfa
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess() retval=00000000 ret=404f5dfa
    0023:Ret kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess() retval=00000001 ret=0074f235

It's trying to find out what the exit code of the process was. Unfortunately, we don't know what the answer is because the return code is a success/failure bool, not the actual exit code. You'd have to whack an ERR in here or something to find out.

    0023:Call kernel32.ResumeThread(0000005c) ret=007557c5
    0023:Call ntdll.NtResumeThread(0000005c,406cb8a0) ret=4050e85e
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtResumeThread() retval=00000000 ret=4050e85e
    0023:Ret kernel32.ResumeThread() retval=00000001 ret=007557c5
    0023:Call kernel32.Sleep(00000064) ret=007557cd

Then it tries to wake it up (remember, the remote process was started suspended) and sleeps for a moment.

    0023:Call ntdll.NtDelayExecution(00000000,406cb888) ret=40507cff
    trace:relay:RELAY_InitDebugLists RelayExclude = L"RtlEnterCriticalSection; RtlLeaveCriticalSection; _EnterSysLevel; _LeaveSysLevel; LOCAL_Lock; LOCAL_Unlock; TlsGetValue; kernel32.GetLastError; kernel32.SetLastError"
    0025:Call PE DLL (proc=0x401d3bb4,module=0x401c0000 L"ntdll.dll",reason=PROCESS_ATTACH,res=0x1)

At this point the kernel does a context switch into the new process, and it begins initializing. Note that CREATE_SUSPENDED doesn't mean nothing runs in the new process. It still gets the ATTACH notifications (at least, it does in Wine ... maybe not in real windows). So there's a lot of stuff we can ignore here generated by the startup sequence.

Let's find out what the first process is doing:

    0025:Ret ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=40393550 ret=4083acae
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtDelayExecution() retval=00000000 ret=40507cff
    0023:Ret kernel32.Sleep() retval=00000000 ret=007557cd
    0023:Call kernel32.SuspendThread(0000005c) ret=007557da
    0023:Call ntdll.NtSuspendThread(0000005c,406cb8a0) ret=4050e80e
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtSuspendThread() retval=00000000 ret=4050e80e
    0023:Ret kernel32.SuspendThread() retval=00000000 ret=007557da
    0023:Call kernel32.GetThreadContext(0000005c,406cb948) ret=0075580e
    0023:Call ntdll.NtGetContextThread(0000005c,406cb948) ret=4050e7ae
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtGetContextThread() retval=00000000 ret=4050e7ae
    0023:Ret kernel32.GetThreadContext() retval=00000001 ret=0075580e

Context switch after the first line, and it awakens from its sleep.

It then suspends the thread, and grabs its context. Why does it suspend? Reading MSDN reveals that the target thread has to be suspended for GetThreadContext to work. The CONTEXT structure holds the register state of the thread. I wonder what it's looking for in this structure?

    0023:Call kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess(00000058,0078ca58) ret=0074f235
    0023:Call ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess(00000058,00000000,406cb86c,00000018,00000000) ret=404f5dfa
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess() retval=00000000 ret=404f5dfa
    0023:Ret kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess() retval=00000001 ret=0074f235
    0023:Call kernel32.ResumeThread(0000005c) ret=007557c5
    0023:Call ntdll.NtResumeThread(0000005c,406cb8a0) ret=4050e85e
    0023:Ret ntdll.NtResumeThread() retval=00000000 ret=4050e85e
    0023:Ret kernel32.ResumeThread() retval=00000001 ret=007557c5
    0023:Call kernel32.Sleep(00000064) ret=007557cd

OK, and we go back into a loop. In fact, this is an infinite loop.

Probably it looks like this:

    while (1)
      int code;
      CONTEXT86 context;
      GetExitCodeProcess(process, &code);
      if (code == ???) do something;
      GetThreadContext(thread, &context);
      // do something with context here
      if (context.???) break ???

So the question is, what condition will make it break out of the loop, and why isn't it getting it in Wine?

It looks like it's waiting for some condition to become true in the remote process. This will never happen because ResumeThread here doesn't seem to be waking it up! We just loop over and over, resuming it, sleeping for a while, grabbing its context to check something which never changes, and starting over.

So, I guess the problem is that ResumeThread isn't actually waking up the suspended process. Question is, why not?

Here's an idea. Hack the Sleep() call like this:

    if (delay == 64) delay = 3000;

I.e., rule out the possibility that the delay between resume and suspend is so short Wine can't react in time. Then continue your investigation from there.

Good luck!

Mike suspected that the interaction between the expected Windows scheduling and the actual Linux scheduling was causing a problem. James made the change to sleep() longer, but it didn't have any effect. Mike suggested some more changes, but nothing conclusive turned up. Nonetheless, it was neat to see the log analyzed.

Progress Bar Changes 09/28/2004 Archive

Controls can be tricky things. Rob Shearman has been doing a lot of work on Wine's controls over the past month and one patch he submitted changed the way progress bars are displayed. Now, this begins to get into a tricky area that many people have stumbled across before: Wine needs to be able to display things just like Windows when none of the underlying device drivers or windowing behaves the same. Rob's patch included this changelog:

  • Fix class style to include the hbrBackground member.
  • Fix repainting issues introduced by this change.
  • Add WM_ERASEBKGND handler and remove background drawing code from the WM_PAINT handler.

Alexandre thought this might cause problems, Isn't that going to cause a lot of flicker? This was the reason for the existing code, because otherwise it looks really bad with apps that update the progress bar a lot.

Dimi Paun agreed:

Indeed, IIRC I've tried to have as optimum background drawing code as possible (in terms of overwriting areas, etc), as flicker in the progress bar would look rather ugly.

We have to be careful with these sort of changes, in that there are some controls that work real hard to avoid flicker as much as possible. Yes, the code is bigger, more complicated, and maybe sometimes not 100% the way MS does it. But if it doesn't cause any problems, having a good looking control is important IMO.

Dmitry Timoshkov was more specific, The problem with Rob's patch is that it causes the entire background of the progress bar to be repainted. Some time ago (3 years or like that) I wrote tests for progress bar and found that it invalidates background only when (oldPos < newPos) and it really has a separate WM_ERASEBKGND handler. Since then my code has been removed and rewritten (by you Alexandre) for no obvious reason IMO.

Alexandre thought he had rewritten it precisely to avoid flicker and thought it was related to the MS Office install. In the end Alexandre didn't commit the patch. However, Rob did rework it a bit and perhaps another version will make it in.

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